IvyPro- Overseas education and career guidance!

Refunds And Terms

All fees are non-refundable, non-transferable and non-adjustable, in whole or part. All payments are made for a particular application cycle (see definition below)/mentorship programme, for particular services and a particular applicant. Payments are not refundable nor are they transferable to other services, to future cycles or to other family members.

The Basics:

The applicant/client understands that Ivypro is an independent organisation providing education advisory services and is not affiliated with any educational institution and does not guarantee admission to any such institution. Accordingly, Ivypro will not be liable if an applicant is unable to secure admission to any specific educational institution or at all.

Services & Fees

Scope of Services and Fees: IvyPro list of services and associated fees are detailed on the website. All rates & fees mentioned on the website are exclusive of applicable taxes. Payment must be made in full before the commencement of services.

Scholarships, Financial Aid and Fundraising: While IvyPro can answer general questions regarding scholarships and financial aid, the scope of our services does not include assistance with financial aid documentation (forms, bank letters etc.) nor does it include ongoing support to identify sources of funding for further studies.
Visa Assistance: While IvyPro can direct applicants to consulates and government study abroad centres, we do not offer advice or assistance with the procurement of a visa to study in any country.
 School/Employee Materials: Our service includes help with strategising letters of recommendation from the school/employees. However, the applicant is responsible for coordinating with their recommender to ensure that the documentation is uploaded on time.

Payments: IvyPro appreciates prompt, full payment via online banking, credit card and debit card against system-generated invoices. Ivypro work will commence once the payment receipt is confirmed. Ivypro will not be responsible for any additional costs associated with other application fees, suggested service partners, paid workshops etc.

The client understands that IvyPro is a guidance consultant/counsellor and does not guarantee or assure interviews, admissions and/or results. Any liability that may arise out of deficiency of services or fulfilment of obligations outlined here shall be limited to the fees received from the client and shall not be more than that in any case. In particular, while Ivypro may provide certain assistance with respect to facilitating interviews, the responsibility of making adequate checks on the timing, location and other details rests solely with the client.

Schedule & Working Hours

Please note: All dates and time given in the schedule below is as per Indian Standard Time.

IvyPro Business Hours: IvyPro business hours are Monday to Friday from 10 am to 6 pm Indian Standard Time. Saturday availability varies, depending on the timeframe in the application cycle.
Scheduling Meetings: IvyPro team will be able to schedule appointments with you within 72 business hours.
Public Holidays: IvyPro consultants will have limited availability during the holiday season (specifically Diwali, Christmas, Holi & Durga Pooja).

Summer School: Applications to summer programmes outside India are typically submitted between November and the following March; admissions decisions are made on a rolling basis; summer school sessions then begin in June/July/August.

The IvyPro Obligations

Guidance, Not Creation: IvyPro assists applicants in developing application materials including, but not limited to, essays, resumes, form inputs and letters of recommendation (if applicable). All required materials must be drafted and/or procured (in the case of letters of recommendation) by the applicant. Ivypro will provide strategic inputs that the applicant can implement.
Work Plans: IvyPro will work with each applicant to devise a customised work plan for materials/profile development and submission. Ivypro sets internal finalisation deadlines, usually 7 to 10 days before the actual submission deadline, by which time all application components must be submitted for final review by Ivypro. Ivypro will not review any application components within 72 hours of the actual submission deadline.
Communication Response Time: IvyPro uses email and an application management platform as the primary mode of communication. Ivypro will acknowledge phone, email or text communications as soon as possible and endeavour to provide detailed responses, if required, within 48 business hours.
Material Turnaround Time – IvyPro works on a Monday to Thursday schedule. That is, materials that you submit to us by Monday morning will be reviewed and returned at the latest by close of business on Thursday. Though, we always endeavour to return materials as soon as possible, especially as submission deadlines approach, unforeseen circumstances may lead to delay.
Client Confidentiality – Materials shared with IvyPro will not be shared outside the organisation. Furthermore, we do not disclose our client list or use names without permission.
Collaborative Team Approach. IvyPro employs a team of highly qualified specialists who will support you in the process. You will be assigned a lead consultant who will be your primary point of contact for the duration of this service. Please ensure that you communicate effectively with him/her/them.
Finalising Materials. Throughout your application journey, many people might want to help by providing inputs. This is great and we encourage you to solicit their advice early in the process. Once we have finalised your application materials, it is advisable not to re-open them. To ensure the highest quality, our finalisation process is collaborative and always involves a minimum of two readers. If an applicant makes changes to materials after the finalisation, IvyPro will not re-evaluate this material.

The Client’s/Applicant’s Obligations

Original Work: The applicant must draft/create materials such as resumes, institutional-specific essays and other supplemental documents for application submissions. IvyPro is not liable or responsible if any material submitted to an educational institution has been plagiarised in part or whole.
Make the Most of IvyPro’s Feedback: Applicants are expected to thoroughly review Ivypro’s feedback on application materials, including suggestions, questions, proposed language changes and potential deletions. If any Ivypro feedback is unclear, please ask for clarification.
Communicate Regularly: IvyPro understands that applicants face a myriad of competing demands on their time. In order to help us help you, please stay in touch regularly by email, even with short updates or status reports.
Inform IvyPro of Your Schedule, Including Exams (if applicable) and Travel Plans: Each applicant’s schedule and obligations vary. Please ensure that you update IvyPro with any scheduling constraints or opportunities that you may have. For example, if you have a family obligation or work/project/school deadline, please inform us. Ivypro will not be responsible for any delays owing to the action, inaction or lack of communication on the part of the applicant.
Have Reasonable Expectations: Much of the work involved in preparing quality application materials/roadmaps involves deep, considered thought that requires time, space and distance. So, applicants are requested to take this into account when reviewing IvyPro feedback and when requesting or expecting urgent feedback or inputs. Workshops/sessions offered (if any), will happen once or twice a year. Workshops/sessions missed will not be compensated for. Ivypro is not responsible for any further engagement that happens between the student and the service partner post workshops/events/sessions hosted by us.
Email: When sending emails, please ensure to ”Reply All” or “CC” all relevant, involved parties – the applicant, guardian and IvyPro consultants.
Social Media and Professional Networks: It is advisable that an applicant follows IvyPro’s accounts on social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube to access updated information pertaining to profile building, the admissions process, upcoming events, scholarships and other relevant topics.
Provide PDF Copies of All Final Application Materials: Once you submit an application to an educational institution, please upload a final PDF of all relevant application materials to your shared file folder. These materials help the IvyPro team help you prepare for interviews and future submissions and assess the material that can be reused. These materials are not shared outside Ivypro and are stored securely within our internal systems.
Satisfaction Survey and Testimonials: Upon completion of the engagement, IvyPro will request feedback through an online customer survey and/or by email to help improve service offerings. Ivypro may also request testimonials, which will be used anonymously and only upon the final approval of the applicant. Finally, Ivypro may also request that you serve as a reference for prospective clients.
Maintain Confidentiality of IvyPro Materials: IvyPro develops and shares its proprietary materials for the exclusive use of applicants who have engaged the firm for profile building, application, advisory and related services. These materials should not be shared with anyone.

Technology and Communication Tools:

Use of Web-based Technology Platforms: IvyPro’s provision of services involves the use of technology including, but not limited to Google Drive & Meet, Zoom, Skype, the Application Management Platform and more. Therefore, it is important that the applicant have regular and consistent access to a computer and the Internet. A smartphone with Internet access is not required but helpful. If an applicant does not have access to such technology, please let Ivypro know as soon as possible.
Application Management Platform: IvyPro will create folders/sub-folders to organise files within the online file-sharing platform. Please use these appropriately and refrain from creating your own folders. Ivypro will onboard the applicant onto this system to track progress on application-related material such as, but not limited to, essays, resumes, etc. Applicants must update all documents on this platform using our naming convention. The college list and profile will also be maintained on this platform.
Use Microsoft Word, not Google Docs: When editing/reviewing documents, please use Microsoft Word, turn on track changes and use the ‘comments’ feature. Please do not use Google Docs to edit/revise documents. If you do not have access to Microsoft Word, please let us know as soon as possible.

  From time to time, other guidelines may be communicated and implemented to improve workflow and efficiency.

Book an Appointment

We will get in touch with you soon !
Our expert counsellor will visit at home or at work or over Zoom to counsel you according to your need.